Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Please Pray...

It seems hard to believe, but we are less than ONE MONTH away from Worship the King! This is both exciting and nerve wracking. It is our goal to make this an unforgettable evening of worship and celebration, while ultimately bringing glory to God and helping to bring people near to Him. We cannot do this on our own strength, and everyone involved would appreciate your prayers. Here are a few specific requests:

-Pray for the health and safety of our cast and crew. Even one person missing could be a huge setback.

-Pray for good publicity - we want as many people to come and hear the Gospel as possible!

-Pray that everyone in the cast will have sufficient time for rehearsing in the weeks ahead.

-Pray that God will be preparing people's hearts even now to receive a word from Him that evening.

Thank you so much for your prayers! We'll see you on December 21!

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